v1.1.6da646bc1 · ·
## v1.1.6, 2024.09.23 ### Added feat(devops): allow to generate Trivy HTML report (sbom + security) #121 ### Fixed - fix(cert-remind): add forgot password tip (cert manager) #120 - fix: PHP ext-intl is mandatory to i18n #119 ### Dependencies - chore(composer.lock): upgrade symfony (6.4.11 => 6.4.12), composer/semver, nikic/php-parser, ... #118
v1.1.58aaa75e3 · ·
## v1.1.5, 2024.09.11 ### Added - feat(make): allow to generate SBOM files #113 - doc: add auto generated SBOM files (Software Bill of Materials) #114 ### Changed - ci: twig linter is not allowed to fail #115 ### Fixed - chore(nelmio): xss_protection is deprecated since nelmio/security-bundle 3.4.0 #116 ### Dependencies - chore(composer.lock): upgrade symfony/polyfill*, phpstan/phpdoc-parser, nelmio/security-bundle, twig/* #117 - chore(composer.lock): upgrading doctrine/annotations, nelmio/security-bundle #112
v1.1.1da3edfa1 · ·
## v1.1.1, 2024.06.04 ### Changed - Certificate reminder: set `false` as default value for `WEBAPP_CERTIFICAT_COPY_REMINDER_TO_EMAIL_ALERTING` environment variable #105 ```bash # Webapp - Send copy of certificate end-of-life notifications to WEBAPP_EMAIL_ALERTING_TO WEBAPP_CERTIFICAT_COPY_REMINDER_TO_EMAIL_ALERTING=false # (default: false) ``` ### Fixed - ADMIN > configuration display : add missing environment variables #102 ### Dependancies - chore(composer.lock): upgrading doctrine/event-manager, doctrine-fixtures #101 - chore(composer.lock): upgrading symfony (6.4.7 => 6.4.8) #106
v1.1.0-rc.23caa6904 · ·
v1.1.0-rc.141d4672f · ·
v1.0.24a766910 · ·
# v1.0.2, 2023.12.18 ### Fixed - test: allow to run Infection (mutation testing) - test(pkcs12 convertor): allow mutation testing - fix(convertHexadecimalToDecimal): remove hexadecimal prefix [ `0x` ] - fix(NormalizesDataForCertificate): remove special characters used by JSON format - fix(composer.json): unblock doctrine/orm version - test: add unit tests for new Symfony services and exceptions - refactor: add specific Symfony services (Certificate, CertificateAuthority, CfsslService, ...) - refactor: add dedicated exceptions - KeySizeRangeException - InvalidAlgorithmException - Pkcs12ConvertorFailed - InvalidPrivateKey - InvalidPublicKey - NotMatchingPrivateAndPublicKeys ### Dependancies - chore(composer.lock): upgrade `symfony` (`v6.4.0` => `v6.4.1`) - chore(composer.json): upgrade `symfony` (`v6.3.9` => `v6.4.0`) - chore(composer.lock): upgrade `symfony` (`v6.3.8` => `v6.3.9`) - chore(composer.lock): upgrade `phpunit`, `doctrine`, `nelmio/security-bundle`, `composer/ca-bundle`
v1.0.0-rc.2c93d19ad · ·
## v1.0.0-rc.2.0, 2023.10.31 ### Fixed - fix(ux): use browser native "minlength" attribute for password fields - fix(a11y): add a missing "nav" HTML tag ### Security - chore(composer.lock): update `monolog`, `symfony/*` (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) <details> <summary> see: https://symfony.com/blog/symfony-6-3-7-released Update `symfony/*` (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) : 0 installs, 18 updates, 0 removals </summary> Lock file operations: 0 installs, 18 updates, 0 removals - Upgrading monolog/monolog (3.4.0 => 3.5.0) - Upgrading symfony/doctrine-bridge (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/doctrine-messenger (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/dotenv (v6.3.0 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/flex (v2.4.0 => v2.4.1) - Upgrading symfony/form (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/framework-bundle (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/http-client (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/intl (v6.3.2 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/messenger (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/security-bundle (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/security-core (v6.3.5 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/serializer (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/translation (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/validator (v6.3.6 => v6.3.7) - Upgrading symfony/yaml (v6.3.3 => v6.3.7) </details>
v1.0.0-rc.1.0473a9479 · ·
## v1.0.0-rc.1.0, 2023.10.25 ### Added - feat(i18n): as an anonymous user, the interface is in French - feat(webperf): add HTTP "Cache-Control: immutable" headers for CSS and JS files
v0.17.05c765294 · ·
## v0.17.0, 2023.10.25 ### Added - feat(i18n): as a manager, the interface is in French - feat(css): use AssetMapper to bust browser cache when css, js or images change - ci(release-build): add checksum of webapp files ### Changed #### Breaking change - ci(release): use lower file and directory permissions - feat(security)!: HTTPS is mandatory for PROD environment ### Fixed - fix: specify application language in HTML code ### Security - chore(composer.lock): update `symfony/*` (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) <details> <summary> Update `symfony/*` (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) : 0 installs, 21 updates, 0 removals </summary> Package operations: 0 installs, 21 updates, 0 removals - Upgrading php-webdriver/webdriver (1.15.0 => 1.15.1) - Upgrading symfony/cache (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/doctrine-bridge (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/doctrine-messenger (v6.3.1 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/flex (v2.3.3 => v2.4.0) - Upgrading symfony/form (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/framework-bundle (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/http-client (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/messenger (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/notifier (v6.3.0 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/phpunit-bridge (v6.3.2 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/security-bundle (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/security-http (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/serializer (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/translation (v6.3.3 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/validator (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/var-dumper (v6.3.5 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/var-exporter (v6.3.4 => v6.3.6) - Upgrading symfony/web-profiler-bundle (v6.3.2 => v6.3.6) </details>