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# v1.0.2, 2023.12.18

### Fixed

- test: allow to run Infection (mutation testing)
- test(pkcs12 convertor): allow mutation testing
- fix(convertHexadecimalToDecimal): remove hexadecimal prefix [ `0x` ]
- fix(NormalizesDataForCertificate): remove special characters used by JSON format
- fix(composer.json): unblock doctrine/orm version
- test: add unit tests for new Symfony services and exceptions
- refactor: add specific Symfony services (Certificate, CertificateAuthority, CfsslService, ...)
- refactor: add dedicated exceptions
  - KeySizeRangeException
  - InvalidAlgorithmException
  - Pkcs12ConvertorFailed
  - InvalidPrivateKey
  - InvalidPublicKey
  - NotMatchingPrivateAndPublicKeys

### Dependancies

- chore(composer.lock): upgrade `symfony` (`v6.4.0` => `v6.4.1`)
- chore(composer.json): upgrade `symfony` (`v6.3.9` => `v6.4.0`)
- chore(composer.lock): upgrade `symfony` (`v6.3.8` => `v6.3.9`)
- chore(composer.lock): upgrade `phpunit`, `doctrine`, `nelmio/security-bundle`, `composer/ca-bundle`