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## v0.10.0, 2023.06.20

### Added

- feat(user story): allow admin to display creator (manager) of each certificate (#38)
- feat(user story): allow admin to display end-user of each certificate (#35)
- feat(user story): allow admin to download PEM file (public key) of each certificate (#34)

### Fixed

- fix(admin): display more certificates (last 150 instead of 12)
- fix(UX): visually differentiate breadcrumb for admins
- test: add unit tests for legacy certificate convertor (Pem to Pkcs12) via shell cmd (#39)
  - try to convert pem certificate to pkcs 12 with not valid public key
  - try to convert pem certificate to pkcs 12 with not valid private key
  - try to convert pem certificate to pkcs 12 with private key not corresponded to public key
  - convert pem certificate to pkcs 12 without password
  - convert pem certificate to pkcs 12 with empty password
  - convert pem certificate to pkcs 12 with password

### Security

- feat(security): add HTTP `Permissions-Policy` header, via `.htaccess` rules (#33)