Debt: Woc is inherited from PHP-to-OrgChart[1], for its idea (I considers also graphviz or TikZ). I add recusivity of hierarchical structures, lateral relations (left and right) and fonctionnal relations between persons (figured by lines). For this reason its a completly different project.
A Organisation Chart , width Pure PHP and CSS Implement, with implemtnation of a simple javascript function (Leader Line) for free relation between persons
In a glance
From a simple data text file (a simple list of hierarchical relationship "n -- n+1"...
By default, Woc produces
- a table of content
- an organinizational chart of the top management (3 levels only)
- organizational charts of the directions (levels below)
- theme: a list of levels of labels (color, width, height, font)
- orgas: a hierarchical relationship list
Syntax of the orgas
Constraint: The top manager have to be mentioned in the fist relation of the list.
Codification of a person
- level (in a theme)
- function (general manager, assistant, etc.)
- name (Mickey Mouse)
- category (A,B,C)
Hierarchical relations
Simple relation
- below (-- or -N)
direction/Executive director/Donald/B -- top/Financial director/Picsou/A
$lateral_child=0; (default)
- variant
direction/Executive director/Donald/B -- top/Financial director/Picsou/A
Left and right relations
- left (-L)
direction/Executive director/Donald/B -L top/Financial director/Picsou/A
- right (-R)
direction/Executive director/Donald/B -R top/Financial director/Picsou/A
Lateral and below, left and right
- A (-A)
direction/Executive director/Donald/B -A top/Financial director/Picsou/A
- B (-B)
direction/Executive director/Donald/B -B top/Financial director/Picsou/A
- b (-b)
dotted lines are done with lowcase letters
direction/Executive director/Donald/B -b top/Financial director/Picsou/A
blocks vs rakes
compact blocks
donald = direction/Executive director/Donald/B -N picsou = top/Financial director/Picsou/A loulou = service/assistant/Loulou/C -N donald riri = service/assistant/Riri/C -N donald fifi = service/assistant/Fifi/C -N donald fifi -0 picsou fifi -1 donald
And Two fonctionnal relations (you can add some easily)
- A -0- B (solid line)
- B -1- C (dashed line)
Recursive relations
For this
B -- A = direction/PDG/A
C = service/Service RH/C -- A
CC -- C
CD -- C
D -- A
E -- B
F -l A
G -r A
K -- D
H -l D
I -- H
J -r I
E -0- K
C -1- G
The system produces:
Notice that the leaves are displayed in blocks (F G H and K L) to avoid a too large tree.
Step by step
The link are defined like this
item link item
An item can be abreviate.
CEO = Chief Executive Officer
You can use CEO after like this
Agent -- CEO
Persons in the organization are defined like this:
<status>/<position displayed>/<name>/<category>
While it is mandatory, you can tell only name, like this:
The status ? For the type of cards!
The status can define the colors and the size of the card.
There is now an editor of profiles (12 items in a profile)
Hierarchical link
B -- A
B will be displayed under A
Lateral links
E -- A
C -l A
F -l A
D -r A
Notice, you should have an item under A Otherwise, lateral links cannot exist.
Fonctional links
You can define free relations between persons in the data file with the relations -0- and -1-
Person 1 -0- Persons 2
Person 8 -1- CEO
-0- indicates: no dashed line -1- indicates: dashed line
What tool to produce the pdf
- jspdf (client side tool): no render of dotted line.
- weasyprint: bas display of columns width
- wkhtmltopdf: great rendering! and svg also!
Comments are lines beginning by a #.
Do you want a demo online ?
See here: https://elie.org/weborgchart
- WebOrgChart is licensed under GPLv2 license (as PHP-to-OrgChart is)
- Leader-line is licenced under MIT license