Table of Contents
- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with restic
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Restic is a program that does backups. This module install Restic, configure a repository, manage backups frequencies and setup data deletion policies.
What restic affects
What the module does:
Install Restic.
Use cron tasks to manage backups and data deletion in repository (Restic does not launch any service.
commands are planned with cron service).
What the module does not do:
- Create a user account.
Setup Requirements
This module is tested with dependencies and Puppet versions listed as supported by metadata.json.
Beginning with restic
To have Restic installed, declare the restic
include restic
By default the backups you will define will be done as root. You can use restic's ability to make a backup without root privileges.
For instance, with an already existing user account named foo
, you can declare this :
class { 'restic':
runasuser => 'foo',
wrapper_path => '/opt/restic',
Default path used by restic::wrapper_path
is root only access. And so when using non root users it is also necessary to define a wrapper_path
Create local repository
The place where your backups will be saved at is called a repository. Restic can handle several kinds of repositories. For the moment, the restic provider handle only local repository. Updating parameters password
or runasuser
does not update repository already created.
To configure a local repository owned by an already existing account foo
class { 'restic::initrepo' :
runasuser => 'foo',
repository_url => '/myrepository',
repository_password => 'repopassword',
To install Restic as foo
, configure a repository and setup a forget policy named global
class { 'restic' :
runasuser => 'foo',
repository_url => '/myrepository',
repository_password => 'repopassword',
forgets => {
global => {
cron_frequency => 'weekly',
keeps => {
'daily' => 14,
'weekly' => 3,
To install Restic as `bar`, configure a copy repository with same chunker settings than
repository `foo@node1:/myrepository` and setup a forget policy named `global` :
class { 'restic' : runasuser => 'bar', repository_url => '/myrepository_copy', repository_password => 'repopasswordcopy', repository_url2 => 'foo@node1:/myrepository', repository_password2 => 'repopassword', forgets => { global => { cron_frequency => 'weekly', keeps => { 'daily' => 14, 'weekly' => 3, }, }, }, }
The key word global
permits to use restic forget
without targeting snapshots of a specific hostname. If you don't use global
as key of hash, the restic forget
command will use the key name of the hash as hostname with flag --hostname
### Configure several backups of a node
class { 'restic': runasuser => 'foo', backups => { 'dbdumps' => { repository_url => 'sftp:bar@resticserver:/var/resticrepo', repository_password => 'barpass', cron_frequency => 'daily', inodes => ['/var/dbdumps'], }, 'wwwstaticdata' => { repository_url => 'sftp:bar@resticserver:/var/resticrepo', repository_password => 'barpass', cron_frequency => 'weekly', cron_hour => 4, cron_minute => 42, cron_weekday => '2', inodes => ['/var/www/'], }, 'entirehost' => { repository_url => 'sftp:bar@resticserver:/var/resticrepo', repository_password => 'barpass', cron_frequency => 'monthly', cron_hour => 4, cron_minute => 42, cron_monthday => '3', excludes => ['/var/dbdumps/','/dev','/proc','/sys','/mnt','/media'], }, } }
## Reference
Details in [](
## Limitations
This module is tested on all OSes listed as supported by [metadata.json](metadata.json).
## Development
Contribs are welcome. Please read []( before.
Module under AGPL v3, with a copy in [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.
Module hosted at
## Release Notes/Contributors/Etc.
See details in [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG).
Author : Fabien Combernous.