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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with restic
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


Restic is a program that does backups. This module install Restic, configure a repository, manage backups frequencies and setup data deletion policies.


What restic affects

What the module does:

  • Install Restic.

  • Use cron tasks to manage backups and data deletion in repository (Restic does not launch any service. restic commands are planned with cron service).

What the module does not do:

  • Create a user account.

Setup Requirements

This module is tested with dependencies and Puppet versions listed as supported by metadata.json.

Beginning with restic

To have Restic installed, declare the restic class:

include restic

By default the backups you will define will be done as root. You can use restic's ability to make a backup without root privileges. For instance, with an already existing user account named foo, you can declare this :

class { 'restic':
  runasuser    => 'foo',
  wrapper_path => '/opt/restic',

Default path used by restic::wrapper_path is root only access. And so when using non root users it is also necessary to define a wrapper_path.


Create local repository

The place where your backups will be saved at is called a repository. Restic can handle several kinds of repositories. For the moment, the restic provider handle only local repository. Updating parameters password or runasuser does not update repository already created.

To configure a local repository owned by an already existing account foo :

class { 'restic::initrepo' :
  runasuser           => 'foo',
  repository_url      => '/myrepository',
  repository_password => 'repopassword',

To install Restic as foo, configure a repository and setup a forget policy named global :

class { 'restic' :
  runasuser           => 'foo',
  repository_url      => '/myrepository',
  repository_password => 'repopassword',
  forgets => {
    global =>  {
      cron_frequency      => 'weekly',
      keeps               => {
        'daily'  => 14,
        'weekly' => 3,

To install Restic as `bar`, configure a copy repository with same chunker settings than
repository `foo@node1:/myrepository` and setup a forget policy named `global` :

class { 'restic' : runasuser => 'bar', repository_url => '/myrepository_copy', repository_password => 'repopasswordcopy', repository_url2 => 'foo@node1:/myrepository', repository_password2 => 'repopassword', forgets => { global => { cron_frequency => 'weekly', keeps => { 'daily' => 14, 'weekly' => 3, }, }, }, }

The key word global permits to use restic forget without targeting snapshots of a specific hostname. If you don't use global as key of hash, the restic forget command will use the key name of the hash as hostname with flag --hostname.

### Configure several backups of a node

class { 'restic': runasuser => 'foo', backups => { 'dbdumps' => { repository_url => 'sftp:bar@resticserver:/var/resticrepo', repository_password => 'barpass', cron_frequency => 'daily', inodes => ['/var/dbdumps'], }, 'wwwstaticdata' => { repository_url => 'sftp:bar@resticserver:/var/resticrepo', repository_password => 'barpass', cron_frequency => 'weekly', cron_hour => 4, cron_minute => 42, cron_weekday => '2', inodes => ['/var/www/'], }, 'entirehost' => { repository_url => 'sftp:bar@resticserver:/var/resticrepo', repository_password => 'barpass', cron_frequency => 'monthly', cron_hour => 4, cron_minute => 42, cron_monthday => '3', excludes => ['/var/dbdumps/','/dev','/proc','/sys','/mnt','/media'], }, } }

## Reference

Details in [](

## Limitations

This module is tested on all OSes listed as supported by [metadata.json](metadata.json).

## Development

Contribs are welcome. Please read []( before.

Module under AGPL v3, with a copy in [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.

Module hosted at

## Release Notes/Contributors/Etc.

See details in [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG).

Author : Fabien Combernous.