CTK : Citizen ToolKit
The modular (H)API driven architecture also called CTK : Citizen ToolKit
allows developpers to build efficiently citzen oriented application
starting with function point definitions, then building the corresponding API
and finally building the Front end on any device.
The project grows in time, by building all sorts of citizen oriented applications
based on a common code base : CTK
it is intended to be generic , semanticly standardised by ontologies of schema.org
linked by referenced data
Api architecture
toutes les definitions de block mutualisés sont listés dans la classe Api.php
dans une map unique : Api::$apis
on peut faire des bouquets de fonction ou regroupements grace a des constructeur comme Api::getUserMap()
chaque application qui a son ApiController peut alors utiliser une map generique, l'augmenter, ou en creer une specifique
les actions ou controller sont chargé dynamiquement basé sur ces definitions
Application Developpement Best practise
when building apps in test mode use application specific information like email:myapp@myapp.com
this it'll be easy to extract
if your data is part of a common table simple add a applications.myapp node
this node can contain any application specific information
Admin users
The api interface is retricted just like a back office for admin credentials
there are 2 types of admin credentials
application level admin
these users carry a applications.myapp.isAdmin:true node on their account's json
are considered as admin user only for the applications called myapp
full phAdmin
these users carry an isAdmin:true node on their account's json
they have access to all applications
Application specifications
creating a new applications
there must be an entry in the applications collections
it will carry all details and specifications for the app to run
the system will and can get attributes from this entry
declare the module in the protected/config/moduleconfig.php
InitData process and architecture
any application might need bootstrap datasets to be able to run properly
simply create a /data folder
inside add all your datasets like this
filenames must be the destination collections name : ex : citoyens.json
inside they must contain an array list of json entries
in the applications api you'll find an adminPH section listing all the files available for initialisation
click "initialize data"