fix: Dockerfile linter fail
find . -type f -name Dockerfile | xargs -I % hadolint --config .gitlab/ci/config/hadolint.yml %
./.gitlab/ci/Dockerfiles/php.8.2_composer_phive/Dockerfile:35 DL3003 warning: Use WORKDIR to switch to a directory
./.gitlab/ci/Dockerfiles/php.8.2_composer_phive/Dockerfile:42 DL3003 warning: Use WORKDIR to switch to a directory
./.gitlab/ci/Dockerfiles/php.8.2_composer_phive/Dockerfile:52 DL4006 warning: Set the SHELL option -o pipefail before RUN with a pipe in it. If you are using /bin/sh in an alpine image or if your shell is symlinked to busybox then consider explicitly setting your SHELL to /bin/ash, or disable this check
./.gitlab/ci/Dockerfiles/php.8.1_composer_phive/Dockerfile:35 DL3003 warning: Use WORKDIR to switch to a directory
./.gitlab/ci/Dockerfiles/php.8.1_composer_phive/Dockerfile:42 DL3003 warning: Use WORKDIR to switch to a directory
./.gitlab/ci/Dockerfiles/php.8.1_composer_phive/Dockerfile:52 DL4006 warning: Set the SHELL option -o pipefail before RUN with a pipe in it. If you are using /bin/sh in an alpine image or if your shell is symlinked to busybox then consider explicitly setting your SHELL to /bin/ash, or disable this check