<?php // option for labels $shadow=1; $roundborder=4; // 0 or a number for the roundborder $labelwidth=120; // px $variablewidth=1; // to fix the with of all labels to $labelwidth $labelheight=16; // px $labelfontsize=12; // px $labelbackgroundcolor='lightgreen'; $labelpencolor='black'; // category on label $categories_sum=1; $category_in_label=1; // disposition $lateral_links=1; // with 0, rake for all, except blocks (-r and -l are interpreted as --) $block_mode=1; // with 0 if all son haven't sons, no rake: a block_mode $compact_blocks=0; // blocks are condensed in one label with all names in it $lateral_child=1; // alternative for blocks display $lateraldecal=15; $valign='middle'; // bottom or top or middle (vertical alignment for the lateral relatives) default: middle, bottom if ther are lateral relatives for those who have no sons below $hook_height=20; // height of the hook in the rake (in px) $vspace=7; // vertical space between elements $sepInBlock=10; // vertical space between blocks element $Margin=15; // horizontal space between element in a rake $thickness=1; // 1=2px (thickness of the lines between labels) $backgroundcolor='transparent';//'ivory'; $flex=0; // centered lateral links (-r and // for debugging $debug=0; $aleaProfileForLetters=1; // do not touch $default_level='default;#3465a4;#ffffff;14;160;20'; $bloc_level='bloc;#3465a4;#ffffff;14;160;0'; // height of 0! ?>