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## v0.8.0, 2023.04.07

### Added

- feat(certificate): display CRL link
- feat(certificate authority): display CRL link of root CA
- feat(certificate authority): display CRL link of intermediate CA
- feat(certificate authority): allow to download public key of Intermediate CA
- feat: store email subject in a template

### Changed

- remove all generated certificates
- remove all users
- add a  1st user with `ROLE_ADMIN` permissions

> A 1st user is added automatically with `ROLE_ADMIN` permissions,
> when the software is installed or updated.
> - login: ``
> - password: `admin-tajine_PaSsWord_IsNotSoSecretChangeIt`

#### Breaking change

> `bcmath` (PHP extension) is mandatory
> Allows to convert certificate serial number
> in Hexadecimal format to decimal format (used as ID by CFSSL).